Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What do you want to know about "The Missionary and the Brute"?

From time to time - I'll open this up to do an informal interview on here. Post your comments and I'll answer them as best I am able. Try not to spoil anything if you have read the book, and I'll do the same. But I would be happy to answer your messages.

One of the zillion lessons I have learned from Anne Rice is the loving care she takes with her readers. Despite her extreme success she still answers her own mail because it's important. For those of us who are nowhere near Anne's stature, we have much humility to learn from that.

So what do you want to know? About the book? About the process? About the characters, setting, style? About Africa? About me as a writer? Give it a whirl...

For the best question (from now until next Tuesday) I'll reward an autographed copy of the book.
(If your comments don't post immediately be patient, I'll release them as I'm able).

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